Saturday, June 01, 2013

Happy 2013!

Ah, 2013...

I think it sounds like the most futuristic year I've ever lived to see.  Much better that 1984, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2001 ---  It's like the jumping off point for the great unknown future.    The new mellenium is now a teenager and I fear it might have a bit of an attitide. 

What Should I Study if I Want to be a Film Producer?

It’s a smart question that really stems from realization that a four year degree in film is probably not going to be worth the piece of paper it’s printed on, let alone the thousands of dollars a wide-eyed fledgling filmmaker might spend.  For an artist, the cost of college is the largest of many obstacles that can crush a young filmmaker.  It’s hard to pay loans and rent, buy gas, food, and clothing on just above minimum wage.   

If you are one of these people who asked the question above, congratulations you’re already starting to think about the bottom line.   You’ve already realized you shouldn’t get college degree for self-improvement, you should study to make yourself indispensable to others.  

Majoring in Business Degree’s such as Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing are good ways to go.  But it doesn’t end there.  You need to study films as well.  It’s not the degree that makes you, it’s your accomplishments.  If you want to be a producer, a degree in business will help, but getting your hands dirty by making a short with a group of friends is better.  

Build yourself a reel of films and a sizable audience and you will be in a better position than most.  Find talented student directors and offer to produce their movies.  Learn as much about film as you can in your spare time.  Read as many scripts as you can in your spare time.  With every project, aim to make the best video in the genre.  

The line between amateur and professional is surprisingly small if you take time to ensure every shot is as good as possible.   Studio’s aim to make mediocre products, you don’t have to.  You can concentrate on the story and take your time to craft it well.   

Once you’ve graduated, there are two major kinds of producers job you can try to specialize in: Line Producers, and Creative Producers.  To have a shot at becoming an A list producer you need to understand both.  

Line Producers are the people during production making the budgets, calling product vendors, haggling deals, and generally greasing the wheels while the film is rolling though production.  It’s a thankless logistical occupation akin to a doctor working triage.  It doesn’t require an understanding of story or what makes a movie great.  This job is about squeezing every dollar, getting every deal, resolving every conflict so that the final image is of the best quality, delivered on time, and on budget.   

Creative Producers may never be involved with the actual making of a movie.  Their specialty is packaging movies and talent together and then selling it to a group of investors or a studio to get the movie made.  This is really an over simplification of what they do, but the key to being good at this job is: understanding what aspects of a movie will sell the most tickets and salesmanship.  Most creative producers come from a development executive background.  They read scripts constantly and have an understanding of what makes them emotionally satisfying to an audience.   

Here is a small reading list that may help on your journey:  The Visual Story by Bruce Block, What a Producer Does by Buck Houghton, I’ll be in my trailer by John Badham & Craig Modderno, Writing Movies for Fun and Profit by Thomas Lennon & Robert B. Garant, Making Movies by Sydney Lumet 

Saturday, January 05, 2013

As I've gotten older, the likelihood of my watching a film more than once has significantly diminished.   It is a rare occasion for me to watch anything more than once.   If I do it, it really is to study a film.  I break it down find it's beats, turn off the audio to try to find how the visuals are working.  Gone are the days when I sat down, let the suspension of disbelief wash over me and really enjoy a film over and over.

A list of movies that I think define my childhood.  These are the movies that I can remember watching over and over again as a child.   I also think of these films as part of a primordial influence on a generation of children born from the late seventies through the 80's and into the early 90's.

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Jurassic Park
The Dark Crystal
Terminator 2
The Never Ending Story
Flight of Dragons
Star Wars
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Battle for Endor
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn
Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home
Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier
Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country

The Adventures of Robin Hood
Rear Window
North By North West
The Man Who Knew Too Much

Disney: Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Oliver and Company, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin.

Back then blockbusters had story and the characters felt as if they had true emotion.  Maybe this is how it starts - once you start preferring movies of a certain time period, its a slippery slop to to being that "get off my lawn" kind of guy.

Luckily my parents instilled in me a love of movies and I had access to a huge collection of VHS tapes all of movies that we recorded off of television.  There were four different versions of A Christmas Carroll, entire collections of mini series that were long forgotten, a large collection of Hitchcock films (some of which I wasn't allowed to watch).  For the most part the entire collection was open.