Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Potter 4

Harry Potter does it again. This one is just as good as the last one. Even though the prizoner of azkaban has bettter direction, goblet of fire makes it up with a great story. This one more that any of the others makes me want to read the books. The down side to this film is that there seems to be so much to deal with that it feels as if you are just hitting the highlights of the story. It really feels abridged. But it is fun and exciting and overall worth checking out, because it will make you smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Dan on how this is the best one so far. I think what I really enjoyed was the fact the main villain actually showed up! Not the back of some dudes head, not a damn possesed book it was just voldimort....well at the end at least. It is cool that you posted again Dan talk to you in a bit.