Thursday, September 02, 2010

Screening and Pitching

So much has happened in the last two weeks I can’t even begin to focus.  The orientation was a blur of expected things: Papers being filled out, pictures taken, etc.  There are over 120 of us and it was very easy to pick out the personality differences between the different disciplines.   It was a great day of talking about movies, and introducing yourself, and hoping to go you remember everyone’s name.  (I didn’t. )  There are some people even now that I have been introduced to three times and I still don’t remember their name, but it is getting better.   What I do remember is the work.  On Friday August 20th the entire class was sent to a screening room at about 12:30PM and we stayed there until 11pm watching each other’s reels. It was a really long day.  By the end of the night I was amazed at the quality of the work and also very intimidated.   I’m glad I didn’t show anything.  Abe Lincoln said something like - It’s better to remain quiet and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.  Yeah I was feeling a little bit of that on that Friday.

The following Monday was pitch day.  Being extremely nervous I was up until 1:30 in the morning refining and focusing my pitches.   The producers, directors, and screenwriters were divided into group and we each pitched two ideas.  I was surprised by how few people knew how to pitch or even attempted to.  In any case, I got up there and pitched my ideas, which were followed by a number of good questions and a round of clapping.  A few people came up to me afterwards and told me how much they liked my ideas.  Because of the way the teams form neither of my ideas were chosen, but I did end up on a really good team and I am two drafts into the cycle one project the director wanted to do. 

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